This week I've continued on with the bias binding theme, this time using it to bind a seam.
To do this I like to use 25mm single fold bias binding, as pictured below.
1. Buy or make your own 25mm single fold bias tape. (To be clear, the tape folded per the photo below measures 25mm wide)

2. Unfold the bias tape. Line up the raw edges of the binding with the raw edge of the garment and place pins in the crease of the bias tape.

3. Stitch down the creased line of the bias tape.

4. If you would like to reduce the bulk, trim the seam allowances slightly.

5. Press the binding away from the garment, from the right side.

6. Fold the bias tape around the edge of the garment and press to the back.

7. You might like to place a bit of Sewline glue along the stitching line on the back to ensure that the bias binding covers the stitching. Run the iron over to set the glue.

8. Pin from the front of the garment, positioning pins exactly where the binding meets the garment.

9. Stitch in the ditch (from the front of the garment) exactly where the binding meets the garment.

If you are adding this to a curved edge it would be a good idea to clip the seam before folding the binding over.
Happy sewing!