Tips For Sewing Intersecting Seams

Recently I have been reading the must-have book 'Couture Sewing Techniques' by Claire B. Shaeffer, when I happened to stumble across a fairly simple, but potentially life changing tip.

If you are someone (like me) who will spend ages matching seams, unpicking and re-sewing to achieve perfection then this one is for you!!  

Usually when sewing intersecting seams the seam allowances are stitched down. Like so...


The downside of this is that is can interfere with the drape of the garment. This is because it can create tension. The following tip also makes it much easier to match seams perfectly, so it's worth considering for centre back seams or other highly visible areas.


1. Sew seams as per instructions.

2. When sewing seams together carefully match intersecting seams.
3. You are going to sew the seam in two parts, starting from where the seams intersect. Fold all seam allowances out of the way and pin. Also pin along the stitching line.
4. Stitch together beginning at the vertical stitching line.
5. The repeat for the other side. Start by folding the seam allowances out of the way and pin. Also pin along the stitching line.
6. This time stitch up to the vertical stitching line, stopping exactly on the stitching line. Remember to back tack.
7. It should look something like this. Now give it a good press with the seam allowances open.
8. And there you have it. Seams perfectly matched and without tension!!


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