It's more binding tips this week, specifically how to bind a 90 degree corner.
If you're doing something like this for the first time, I always recommend doing a sample before using your good fabric. Doing this gives you a chance to practice and get things perfect.
I used 25mm single fold bias binding to complete the following steps.
1. It's worth doing a bit of extra marking on the first few corners that you do. Start by marking the stitching line around the corner. I also like to mark a 45 degree angle from the corner to help with accurate folding later on. You won't need to do this once you've complete a few successful corner bindings, but it will help with accuracy on the first few.

2. I used a 1cm / 3/8" seam allowance or, alternatively, the width of one side of the unfolded binding. Pin the binding to the fabric down one side, marking 1cm from the bottom. This is where you will stop stitching.

3. Stitch to this point and back tack here.
4. Fold the binding to the right along the 45 degree line that you marked earlier.
5. Leaving the 45 degree fold in place, fold the binding back on itself so that it lines up with the edge of the fabric.
6. Pin the binding along the second side of the corner. Your stitching will start 1 centimetre from the edge of the fabric. Try to start stitching as close to where you stopped stitching in the previous step.
7. Stitch this, back tacking at the beginning and the end.
8. From the front, push the binding away from the fabric. An iron is useful here to encourage a smooth fold.
9. Fold the binding around to the back of the fabric, folding over itself.
10. I like to use some Sewline Glue to make sure the binding covers the stitching line. I use a iron to press the binding in place. The heat of the iron with the Sewline Glue helps to hold it in place.
11. Pin from the front of the fabric in the 'ditch' where the fabric meets the binding. Make sure that the pins catch the binding underneath.
12. Hand stitch the corner in place underneath.
And there is your 90 degree bias bound corner! Next week I will cover binding a V neck.